Wednesday, October 23, 2013

MODA Presentation Date Set: Tuesday November 5th

The date has been set for your presentation to MODA. It will take place on Tuesday November 5th at 2:30p.  Executive Director Laura Flusche gave us the option to have the presentations by each team either on campus or at MODA and I chose MODA. I think it will give you that professional experience in the environment that you would normally do a presentation. Each presentation should be ready, rehearsed, and professional.
That doesn't give you much time to prepare. 
The type should be legible and easy to read. 
There shouldn't be any spelling errors (proofread and proofread again and then get someone else to proofread it for you.)
I would advise you creating 2 examples to take. One for them to keep and one for your portfolio. That also means 2 printed creative briefs as well. 

You don't have to explain the obvious to Laura Flushe and her team. 
Tell them your concept and your aspirations for it to be a document that will enlist others to not only jump on board financially but to also become ambassadors for the museum.

I would ask that you introduce yourselves or team and then give MODA a printed creative brief that is no longer than a few paragraphs. That document should have your names and emails on it as well as your creative intentions. Please keep the presentations to about 10 minutes each. That will allow Laura and her team to ask questions afterwards. Each person should speak up during that presentation. One last thing is that you should be prepared for questions. What if your concept is too expensive to print? What if your presentation needs to edited down? Think ahead and prepare for anything. Make your presentations as creative and the brochure you are creating.

Explain your concept with some true interest in how you want to the museum to find new donors and new memberships for a continued successful future. 

Look those you are presenting to in the eyes during your presentation. 
Have fun with this. It's your future.

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