Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Remaining Calendar

I have talked to Linda Carter at who has always been available to create the rubdown transfers used in so many of the past projects in this class.
We'll go over how to create the artwork so you can send it to her for production. She is available to create whatever you need.

Here's the timeline for the next month:  (it's going faster and faster)

Tuesday Nov 12th:  Class Discussion of MODA/Olive Oil/Wine (please have at least 3 choices to show (on your blog or in person)
ALSO: Special Guest Designer Jeremy Spake  (Head of armature at You'll be super stoked at what he's done since he graduated from GSU.  You won't want to miss his
class visit while he is in town visiting his family.
Check him out at:

Thursday Nov. 15th:   Revisit MODA and More discussion of Olive Oil/Wine/Beer/Sake

Tuesday Nov. 19th:    Prototype Designs for Bottle Redesign

Thursday Nov. 21st:  Prototype Designs for Packaging
If you are going to order any rubdown transfers from Color Comps you need send it to her by this day so it can be created, mailed back to you, applied to your bottles.

Tuesday Nov. 26th: About to eat Turkey
Thursday Nov. 28th: Still eating Turkey

Tuesday Dec. 3rd:  Final In-Class Discussions for Olive Oil/Wine/Sake/Beer

Thursday Dec. 5th: Final Critique for Olive Oil/Wine/Sake/Beer
Must bring your completed redesign and a printed creative brief.

Unless we decide to change the final meeting day to Tuesday December 1oth.

You will also need to turn in a DVD/CD of all the assignments you've done so far this semester. They can be pdf versions if you so choose.
This includes any in-class assignments (self portrait type/9-11, etc.)

You should have finished up all the blog assignments through at least Assignment No. 8

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